Monday, May 21, 2012

The Ex-Presidents of the United States of America - Ronald Reagan, Part Two

Abortion Facts - The Ex-Presidents of the United States of America - Ronald Reagan, Part Two
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Do you know about - The Ex-Presidents of the United States of America - Ronald Reagan, Part Two

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His entry into politics occurred when he made a televised speech in reserve of Barry Goldwater's bid for the Presidential nomination in 1964. In 1966, Reagan beat Pat Brown to come to be Governor of California, his electoral manifesto had included imposing ten per cent pay cuts, 'to send welfare bums back to work' and to quell the anti-war and anti-establishment pupil protests at Berkeley. However, once in office he found that he had to compromise his ideals - taxes absolutely increased, he had to accept an increase in abortion ownership and he increased spending on higher education.

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How is The Ex-Presidents of the United States of America - Ronald Reagan, Part Two

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Abortion Facts.

He was re-elected to a second term in 1969, he made even additional compromises with the Democrats and commonly presented the more liberal side of his politics with a view to his seeking the Republican nomination for President in 1976. That bid failed, while his campaign he articulated his fears of Russian re-armament and the fact that America was facing economic obsolescence because of company taxes and regulation and social chaos because of social welfare dependency.

During his 1980 Presidential campaign against President Jimmy Carter, these concerns became amplified due to Carter's about turn on defence and welfare; due to a widespread if not a completely committed tide of conservative sentiment, Reagan prevailed. After little more than a year in the post, Reagan was victim of an assassination effort by John Hinckley, Jr., a bullet missing Reagan's heart by one inch, but piercing his left lung, it had the consequent of soaring his popularity among voters. He introduced widespread tax cuts, increased defence expenditure, cuts in welfare and instruction budgets, company deregulation and a tightened control over government information. America's new belligerent rhetoric and heightened ask of it's priorities unsettled governments over the world.

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