Friday, June 1, 2012

What Is Progesterone And Why Does Your Body Need It

Abortion Facts - What Is Progesterone And Why Does Your Body Need It
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Do you know about - What Is Progesterone And Why Does Your Body Need It

Abortion Facts! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Progesterone is a hormone produced in the ovaries of women. It is also produced by men, but in small amounts. This is a fundamental hormone and is the forerunner for the output of additional, important hormones together with estrogen and cortisone. Progesterone, in conjunction with estrogen, works to regulate a woman's reproductive cycle.

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How is What Is Progesterone And Why Does Your Body Need It

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Abortion Facts.

Progesterone is thought about critically important to a woman's health. It is produced prior to ovulation to get ready a woman's uterus for accepting a fertilized egg. Each month, during a woman's childbearing years, it is secreted from within the ovaries signaling the body to thicken the lining of the uterus, so that a fertilized egg may attach and begin to develop. If a woman becomes pregnant, it is then produced by the placenta to say pregnancy and forestall rejection (spontaneous abortion) of the embryo. When pregnancy does not occur, the levels of progesterone decrease, and the thickened uterine lining along with the unfertilized egg is shed in the menstrual period.

Its most important role relative to a woman's general health, is to keep the level of estrogen in a woman's body in a balanced state. Unchecked estrogen can lead to very serious curative issues together with increased risk for breast cancer or cancer of the reproductive organs.

In addition to the reproductive system, progesterone also stimulates thyroid activity, reduces inflammation, helps with immunity, blood-clotting abilities and other functions of the body. It is also used in synthetic (man-made) form to help with medicine of menstrual problems, forestall miscarriages and for birth control. The body requires this during all of the separate phases of a woman's life. It is therefore important that a woman's body continues to generate progesterone even in the post-menopausal years, especially to forestall conditions such as osteoporosis.

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