Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hypercoagulation (Thick Blood) - Causes, Symptoms and treatment

Abortion - Hypercoagulation (Thick Blood) - Causes, Symptoms and treatment
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Do you know about - Hypercoagulation (Thick Blood) - Causes, Symptoms and treatment

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Hyper coagulation has come to be a coarse ailment these days. Therefore it's vital to know what causes this problem. It happens due to an anomaly in the coagulation system. Such anomaly arises due to problems in the clotting factors. Blood clotting can cause serious issues. This coagulation can be caused by genetically acquired problems in clotting. This disease does not have any single treatment, but continuous problems of this kind warrant a long term solution for coagulation.

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How is Hypercoagulation (Thick Blood) - Causes, Symptoms and treatment

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Abortion.

The most prevalent symptoms of this ailment are pulmonary embolism (Pe) and deep vein thrombosis (Dvt). The later occurs in legs and involves a lot of pain and inflammation of the limbs. The veins of the legs valves get destroyed due to heavy blood clotting which is responsible for clotting. This clot can also shift to legs. So, when blood clotting happens in lungs, it results in paucity of breath and huge pain in the chest.

This implies a huge risk of heart charge and chances of a stroke. Now, other clotting disorder called purpura fulminans, which happens in babies, causes the destruction of tissues and bleeding in the vital organs and skin. This kind of hypercoagulation occurs due to a lack of protein C in the child. Eventually, it prevents rehabilitation with anti coagulant drugs like warfarin. When pregnant mothers suffer from hyper coagulation it can cause miscarriage. Other complications can also effect during fertilization apart from miscarriage like still birth, and intrauterine growth prohibition.

There are assorted reasons behind the incidence of this ailment. The most coarse of them is any stoppage of the body movement after an accident. This can growth chances of blood clotting. So, the shortage of muscle operation can cause the movement of blood to stop in veins. So, anyone who is prohibited to bed rest after a surgical operation can get blood clotting.

Since the body parts can swell due to a decreased body supply, they can also function at lower levels. The provide of blood to the brain can also decrease which causes a stroke. There are many ways to treat this disorder. The blood clots in the arteries can be removed straight through surgeries. They can also be eliminated straight through medication like activase and tenecteplase. Now, a outpatient can also get cardiac catheterization so that the blood clot is opened.

Now, when the blood clots form in the deep veins of the leg they are more risky as compared to superficial veins, as they can be transferred to lungs. Their transfer to lungs can cause a blocked provide of oxygen to the heart which can cause death. So, its best that such clots are treated with enoxaparin straight through injections which can instantly thin the coagulated blood. Warfarin can also be given straight through pills but it takes some time for it to acquire curative levels in the body. during that time, it is given straight through injectable and oral versions so that the symptoms of the ailment are reduced.

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