Do you know about - Anti-Abortion - Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
The Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice deliberate upon can often be a confusing one. Those who are against abortion are often referred to as "Pro-Life"; these citizen often believe that life begins at conception. For those that believe life begins at conception, abortion is essentially a murderous act and should (usually), under no circumstances be legal. There is much grey area, though, between the stances of Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. Those that advocate Pro-Choice believe in a woman's choice to end pregnancy for varied reasons.
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For Pro-Lifers there are many religious and moral implications, and many individuals exist on a scale. Some Pro-Lifers believe that abortion is inexcusable except in the instance when a mother's health is at risk, while others may be more stringent and think it should be banned no matter what. Also, those that area Pro-Choice often exist on a scale; they may believe it is a woman's choice to end in the case of rape or incest, though they do not find abortion proper in other instances.
Many Pro-Lifers find much of their evidence in the Bible to defend their stance. distinct books of the Bible, such as Luke and Jeremiah, claim that God knows all souls before they are born; for Pro-Life advocates, this means that a person is alive the very occasion he or she is conceived. It should not be assumed, though, that all Christians are Pro-Life; while many are, some Christians don't take the Bible as as a matter of fact as others, and they may believe it is a woman's choice to end pregnancy.
Many anti-abortionists also believe that the most a person grows and changes is while in the womb. Before birth is when a human being develops all of the characteristics that make them human; arms and legs, a spine, and brain. The quality to feel pain is also, for many, a line in the sand determining their stance on abortion. Often Pro-Lifers believe that a person can feel pain at the occasion of conception, thus development them human and abortion immoral, while other professionals believe that it isn't until the second or third trimester when a fetus is able to feel pain development abortion proper in the earlier stages of pregnancy.
Some anti-abortionists believe in their cause sufficient to break the law defending it. There have been many instances where Pro-Life advocates have bombed government supported abortion clinics and harmed, or even killed abortion doctors. This by no means represents the majority of Pro-Lifers, though it does speak to the controversy and passion surrounding the abortion debate.
While the U.S. Supreme Court declared abortion legal in the notable Roe vs. Wade case of 1973, it is up to each individual state either late-term abortions may be performed. In many cases late-term abortions are legal if a mother's heath is at risk. This decision allows for each state to determine what is best for the majority of its citizens, either they are Pro-Life, or Pro-Choice. State-wide, there is one ban on a late-term abortion procedure, that of the Intact Dilation and Extraction, of the Partial Birth Abortion. This was passed into law in 2003, though it is under improvement as it did not make provisions for mother's whose heath is at risk.
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