Monday, June 4, 2012

Is Our community Drunk On leisure and Independence?

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Do Abortions Hurt! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Dictionary Definition of Independence:

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How is Is Our community Drunk On leisure and Independence?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Do Abortions Hurt.

1. Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing.
2. Free from the influence, guidance, or operate of another or others; self-reliant: an independent mind.
3. Not determined or influenced by someone or something else;
4. Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc
5. Not dependent on or affiliated with a larger or controlling entity:
6. A) Not relying on others for support, care, or funds; self-supporting. B) Providing or being enough income to enable one to live without working: a someone of independent means.

Independence. Isn't that a worthwhile ambition? Self sufficient, free from influence of others, providing for self, no confidence on anyone. Just blissful independence. I can come and go as I please. I don't need to answer to anyone. No one is going to tell me what to do. No one is going to operate me and I don't have to deal with habitancy if I don't want to. I am independent. I am my own person. I don't need any handouts and I don't need any help. No one is going to tell me how to behave, where to go and who to hangout with. I am free.

Doesn't that sound great? Our country was built on leisure and independence. leisure is in our Dna as a nation. Many 100s of thousands have died for our right to be free. We earned it and we believe we deserve it. Most countries would love to have the leisure we have. We even flaunt it in front of those backward 3rd world countries. As if to say, "Ha, look what we can do. "Don't you wish you were like us?" We love our freedom. We need it and we expect it. Don't even think about taking it away. It's like we can't get enough. There is no price too high to keep us from having our fill of leisure and independence. Independence means leisure from outside control. We will throw off any restraints that keep us from being what we want to do and who we want to be.

But is independence all the time good? Our founding fathers knew too much leisure or too much operate could destroy a country. So they forged a document called the Us Constitution to help guide us and protect us from ourselves. It works pretty well most of the time. They knew human nature has many flaws. It takes checks and balances to make sure that the stronger does not take benefit of the weaker. So we gained our leisure and independence from Great Britain but also gained another set of regulations to operate us. Is that freedom? Some may say no. But because we built our nation colse to that document we became a great, victorious world power. However, without regulations like the Us Constitution, we would soon fall to the power of reckless human greed and dictatorship. That document is necessary to our country's survival.

Here is the qoute with regard to a strong independent nature and relationships: If a someone is in a association they are no longer independent. In many ways this goes against the core value of being independent. Naturally, leisure is greatly reduced. To be in a committed relationship, we need to drop our desire to be free and wild. We are startling to be responsible and accountable to our partner and house now. The association places restraints and limits to freedom. For most habitancy that is an suitable trade-off to be in a relationship. However, for leisure fanatics those restraints are unbearable.

Freedom fanatics may think, 'Well, I'm done running colse to anyway. I'm ready to conclude down.' Oh really. Are you sure you can just quit leisure and independence cold turkey? Are you sure you aren't hooked on it? Do you think an addict has that much will power to just stop a drug habit? Sometimes habitancy are able to drop their independent mental and be happy in the confines of a relationship. But for many habitancy losing leisure can be similar to a drug addict losing their beloved drug of choice. Their relinquishment symptoms include, restlessness, agitation, anger, resentment, and depression. Many of these habitancy turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with this unbearable loss. They spend more and more of their waking hours seeking another fix of freedom. To be freed from the chains of commitment becomes a huge priority. These habitancy spent years hooked to a life of independence and now suddenly it is gone. Relationships impose restraint, control, and expectations. For a someone who has enjoyed living as they want, and doing as they want, inevitably crave another leisure fix. They will think about those good ol' days of unrestrained independence. Especially when things get rough in their relationship. They think, 'what the hell is this? No leisure and I'm miserable too. This sucks.' Then there is all the time the single friend leisure dealer who says, "Yeah, come on. You remember how good we had it when you weren't married. Let's get out and have some fun!" Sometimes these leisure addicts can get their itsybitsy fix on the side with an affair. But sometimes it isn't enough. They need leisure all day everyday. They need to get back to their drug of choice. It's called independence. But to do that will take breaking the chains of a marital bond or commitment. Possibly breaking the hearts of everybody colse to them. It does not matter. For an addict there is no price too high to get what they want.

In United States, there is no such thing as a "Relationship Constitution" to guide and protect people. As long as there is nothing illegal being done, there are no checks and balances imposed on an individual. Besides such a "Constitution" could not regulate or operate behavior in a relationship. The level of commitment to a association depends on personal integrity, moral convictions, and the honor system. So the human nature has full leisure to fail or flourish. A someone with itsybitsy self-control can separation and marry as many times as they want. A someone with itsybitsy integrity can have kids, leave them or abort them. A someone who is only concerned in leisure can run from house responsibilities their whole life. They have the right to ruin their own life, abandon others and destroy families. Anyone goes when someone is high on freedom. These are out of operate leisure addicts.

The United States is a great enabler for these leisure addicts. Just do a itsybitsy paperwork, and a someone can gain independence from that nagging spouse, and those demanding children. Plus they can gain financially if they get a good enough lawyer. Then they can do it all over again with some other family. Similar to the behavior of a drug addict, they cut off themselves from influences of control. They simply break the house ties. There is itsybitsy sense unless it is on their terms at the most favorable time. Their own children can become another form of restraint preventing them from their next fix of freedom. They resent any extra demands located on them, whether it is every other weekend or every other summer. They count the days when there will be no kids to be responsible for. They are enduringly seeing for more ways to enjoy faultless independence from Anyone at all. Having and development money is very leading to them because it can furnish more leisure and independence. But generosity is not important. Seldom is there sense with parents, brothers or sisters because house can place an unwanted burden on them. Like an addict going through withdrawals they fight, and scream at the habitancy who love them the most. They blame other habitancy for problems. More and more names of habitancy in their life begin with the word "ex". They are capable of shutting down all fancy and emotional ties to habitancy who stand in their way to freedom. Then the day comes when they break the bonds of their relationships. They get their leisure at last. It works okay for a while, and then they soon become empty and lonely. So they jump into another association only to comprehend they need to get back to their addiction to freedom.

For leisure addicts, there is no key to recovery. Instead of being free they are trapped in a vicious cycle of on again, off again relationships. Their selfish choices can snare them with guilt and depression. They are chained to bitterness and anger toward exes or Anyone who attempts to slow them down. As this personel hurts more lives, there are fewer places to run and hide. In an effort to escape, they lock their minds into a prison of constant intoxication. Many lose faultless self-respect and become confined to a lonely world of selfishness and self-destruction.

Life Lessons

1. Make sure independence is a determined goal in life. We should have a desire to be free and independent to a point. We should strive to be financially independent and self-sufficient. We should have a good sense of self-confidence and not fall into co-dependency on anyone. Independence is a very determined and inspiring potential for a someone to achieve.

The problems begin when personal independence become a means to leave life instead of lead to it. We all have choices whether to be apart of society and house or else cut off and become isolated. It can be easier and less drama to be independent and free from the strains of house life or a serious relationship. However, is that a worthwhile ambition? What undoubtedly has the most benefit to others and to the culture as a whole?

2. Independence should not be free ride of selfishness. Our culture admires independence. The single life with no ties can be a lot of fun. Free to take trips, extra money to spend on toys, lots of time to do Anyone or nothing at all. A someone can stay gone all weekend, party their brains out and not have to answer to anyone. If they get bored of one relationship, they just go on to another one. It can be very sexy life style. However, it is exactly this lifestyle that leads to a very selfish society. If the main goal is to entertain self then independence only becomes self-gratifying and undoubtedly only benefits themselves.

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