Monday, June 4, 2012

What Is a Dream Board and How to Use It to Get the Life You Want

Does Abortion Hurt - What Is a Dream Board and How to Use It to Get the Life You Want
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Do you know about - What Is a Dream Board and How to Use It to Get the Life You Want

Does Abortion Hurt! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I have a dream board. I use it every particular day. I visualize, meditate and say affirmations. I see the life I want to live and I speak it. I meditate after morning devotions and before I go to bed. Most habitancy who have dream boards and nothing else but take the time out to meditate, regularly are the habitancy who get the life they want.

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How is What Is a Dream Board and How to Use It to Get the Life You Want

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Does Abortion Hurt.

Did you know that meditating is a biblical principle? Joshua 1:8 says, Meditate on the word day and night and you will make your way thriving and have good success. If creating a dream board will equip you to stay focused so that you can get a optical image of the life you want would you meditate day and night? When I meditate, Joshua 1:8 is one of the scriptures that I speak (affirm) into the universe because my creator honors His words, as they do not return to Him void. They will come to pass if you don't doubt it, because boom... The universe cannot lie.

How Does Your Thoughts ensue Your Dream Board

Dream boards, thoughts and meditation go hand in hand in my opinion. They are both a optical image of you getting the life you want. The dream board is a optical reminder that thoughts are things and if we can get a clear and brief image of how we want our lives to be and stay determined while working towards bringing it to pass, the universe will begin to shift things on our behalf. Thoughts are vibes of vigor and vigor follows energy. The results of your thoughts and words will manifest into determined or negative bodily things.

Try this rehearsal real quick:

1) Count to 10 in your mind
2) When you get to the amount 5, say your name out loud.

What happened? You stop counting right? When things aren't going you way or you aren't having a good day, don't think negative thoughts against what you are meditating on. If you find yourself mental negatively remember this what is a dream board rehearsal and cast down your negative thoughts with determined words. Speaking affirmations will help you to attract the things you're meditating on and believing God for. Negativity and doubt are like damns. It blocks your dreams form coming into fruition. Faith without works is dead and meditation and affirmations is working your faith.

Meditate then Speak Your Dream Board into Existence

Only believe and act as if you already have it because you do. You just have to call it to you. I'm speaking biblical theory here. I speak affirmations every day and the life I'm living now is the direct ensue of affirmations a year ago. It doesn't happen right away. Creating the life you want to live takes time. Everything on your dream board isn't going to happen right away. Patience is a virtue it will never hurt you. You have to let the seed take root in your heart, safe it by watching what you say, hear and see. Spend time with the word, meditate on the word day and night and just like a pregnant woman gives birth to a baby you will give birth to what you are believing God for. A pregnant woman doesn't conceive and give birth right away. She is pregnant for nine months unless she gives birth prematurely or has an abortion.

Prepare for the word you have sown in your heart and in the universe to show up physically. Don't abort your dream. Spend time with your dream board daily and speak it into existence. I like to specifically speak biblical scriptures too because I know God hears his words over whatever else. Above all He honors His word, it's the kingdom way. Sowing words is like the farming system. Don't just say any 'ol thing out of your mouth. Farmers don't just plant corn seed expecting apples trees to grow. Be mindful of what you are saying.

Here are a few affirmations I like to speak:

1) I am the light of the world
2) I am the head and not the tail
3) I make my way prosperous
4) I am having good success
5) I am the righteousness of the Lord
6) I am going to leave an heritage for my children's children
7) I am blessed and highly favored
8) I am joyful
9) I am wealthy, financially and debt free
10) I am calling those things that be not as though they were until they are

Try practicing biblical affirmations along with meditating day and night. This will help you to get the life you want because it's the kingdom of God's system.

How to generate the Dream Board of Your Dreams

1) Put a picture of you or your name in the top town of the board
2) Put a picture of the next car you see yourself driving
3) Put a picture of the dream house you see yourself living in
4) Put a picture of where you want to get married or the marriage you envision
5) Put a picture of the bible, If that's your beloved go to book
6) Put a picture of your mentors and the habitancy you want to meet
7) Put a picture of determined words
8) Put a picture of cash, call it to you

I think you get the picture. You can put whatever you want to attract into your life on your dream board. It should make you happy. It should also help take you into meditation where you can see yourself driving that car, living in that house, getting married on that beach in Barbados, generating financial free time or whatever you want to generate in life. Dream boards will help you to make connections, stay focused and attract that which you believe you deserve. In some cases you will attract greater things than what you envisioned. Only speak determined words no matter what, every day and every night, and begin to generate the life you want. The next time person ask you, what is a dream board share this post, and help them to get on the path to making their dreams a reality.

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